Aside from Gigi my dog, Hector here has been my constant companion
since my return from the hospital!
There has been a huge mistake! When they took out the bones and junk in my back, they also removed a large portion of my brain! I mean I can't hardly think straight for the life of me-ha! Yesterday, I was trying to help the kids get their lunches together as they all had various fun days including field trips, swimming parties and of course Halloween parties. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, with this blank stare on my face when they all three gave me their sandwich orders (which I have done millions of times in my life by now, I should be able to do it in my sleep), and just thought "Huh?"
But, it did clear me up on one thing, the reason I am having a hard time getting back to work here on the blog. It is not because I am in a lot of pain, or need a lot of healing time. It's actually because I can't think of a darn thing worth saying right now, and dang if that isn't odd for me! So today as I was typing this I of course figured I'd better do a bit of research on the subject and found a few interesting pieces. It is interesting to note that people with brain dysfunction may have a harder time recovering from anesthesia than those without. I'm assuming epilepsy would qualify me for that group.
The point of all of this is not to make excuses or to feel sorry for myself by any means, as a matter of fact, I'm really glad I finally figured it out because now I have something to work with. And I do believe that this might happen with everyone to a certain extent, so why not do a few brain exercises and have a little fun "waking up" your brain after dealing with anesthesia?
Actually, it's quite interesting that Mom has left me all of her Woman's World magazines and the other night I started the crossword; I think the first one I have ever done in my life! It was as if my brain knew it needed a bit of challenging; and this is not the first time this has happened. Before my surgery I had a wild craving for hamburgers...and I mean I could have eaten them at every meal. I was doing some of my pre-surgical reading and it said to bone up on iron, hmmmm. I also Have had a mad craving for chocolate milk, not only do I need the calories right now, but I can only imagine how my body is eating up that calcium.
Yesterday when I was getting gas I started craving a sandwich from the store and almost ended up with Tuna; YUCK!!!! On the way home that is when I realized I must really need some tuna fish if I had almost purchased one from a gas station! Okay, body, fish oil coming up. So, it is the same with the anesthesia brain thing. I will challenge my daughter to a few games, continue on my reading (book reviews to come, when I can pull them together-ha!) and crosswords, and oh yeah the biggest brain buster of all...THE BALLOT.