Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Career Day Follow Up

One of my favorite views on my job.
I have been wanting to tell you all about my time at Fitzsimmons Middle School Career Day for weeks now and just have not taken the time to do so.  I did mention it very quickly, but it deserves much more than that because I got an envelope recently that made me really think about what I had done.  It was an envelope fat with letters on lined paper, each of them dated and nicely addressed in practiced sixth grade cursive.  I'll share a few with you here:
Dear Mrs. Jeute,
I really enjoyed the visit to FMS.  I thought your job is amazing, you get to hang out with all the animals.  Mrs Jeute, you inspired me to want to work with animals.  Who could know llamas could be so fantastic.  Once again I really appreciate you taking the time to come to FMS,

Dear Mrs. Jeute,
I appreciate the time you spent to talk to us about your job.  I personally think that being an author is really cool.  I also like the idea of having a bed and breakfast.  I really enjoyed looking at the book you wrote.

Dear Mrs. Jeute,
I want to express my gratitude for your visit at our school.  It was stellar to actually get to meet a real author.  Some of my classmates are calling you "Lama Lady" but I don't think your a lama lady.  I hope you get to make some more books.

Dear Mrs. Jeute,
I truly appreciate the you gave to tell us about your job.  But you could have stayed home and worked but you came and we are all very grateful of it.  The book that you showed us was very nice and colorful.  Your inspiration to write your book was very nice it shows what you like to do.  We are grateful that you came.  Thank you.

I must admit that when I got that wonderful envelope, I shed a few tears with a smile a mile wide.  Little 'ol me had an impact on those kids.  And the funny thing was that day had been very crazy, there were three presenters in a short time frame, and I kept getting short changed on time.  Which was fine with me, because I am not the best public speaker, but since the group was mostly kids, I was pretty comfortable.  Another thing I thought kind of ironic is that not one of the letters mentioned my name, which all of them thought was quite funny the day of the presentation.  I was glad to know that it was not all they remembered.
This isn't a post about patting myself on the back, it is to remind you, my dedicated readers to get out there and share your hidden, or not so hidden, talents.  From middle schools to adult education classes around the country educators are anxious to share their classrooms with real life workers to bring that experience to their students.  What better way to share the love of your work than with future glorious minds?


Daisy said...

The teacher in me echoes their sentiments: Thank you for sharing your time with the students! They obviously learned a lot about the varied nature of your work.

lfhpueblo said...

I remember once long ago when I used to be a nurse that I got to go do the poison control classes for the kindergardeners. It was a blast.
I'm glad you got to do the presentation and make the children think about life choices for the future.