Thursday, June 9, 2011

Girl Power

It was quite ironic this morning when I got an e-mail from my husband that had this quote in it because  I woke up feeling all full of "Girl Power" anyway;

'Whatever  you give a woman, she will make greater. If you  give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you  give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you  give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If  you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what  is given to her. So, if you give her any crap,  be ready to receive a ton of  shit.'

Which is really funny, because just Tuesday I really felt like the world might be caving in around me.  So, I called on my "Girls".  And guess what happened?  Miracles, baby, miracles!

Tuesday was my "new" sons first dental appointment; and this is a rather big deal as he has a cleft pallet that has not been properly cared for.  I have joked my whole maternal life that the doctor forgot to cut the umbilical cord of my children because I can still "feel" them; well I must have grown a new cord with Austin because that day when he was in the dentist I KNEW he was having a rough time of it.  So I went for a walk....And realized my Sister worked on that campus and gave her a call.
My Sister is a Registered Dietitian at University Hospital...and she has a few connections.  But even more importantly she met me in between meetings and pagings and consults to give me a HUG!  We were laughing at ourselves because this campus is huge and she was talking to me on the phone trying to find me and looking lost (at her place of work no less), and I was having to look at what I was wearing to describe it to was all too funny.   But she spared me  those few minutes that led to amazing things for my son....

Yesterday was my biopsy.  And well, I owe you Rebels an apology.  I lied.  I was scared Sh#*L##s.  See, my BIL has Lip cancer; and when I went to look it up online for my SIL, I found out that breast cancer normally spreads to the bone....Which got me to thinking that I have breast cancer and that it had spread to my spine and that is why it won't get better.   I also found out that I have all the symptoms of this type of spinal pain, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, etc.  But guess what, another one of my "Girls" came through for me, my Mom.

My parents had practically insisted on driving me, and to be honest it was a huge relief to have Mommy and Daddy there to take care of things.  They took me to a great lunch and I didn't have to worry about telling them directions like I would with my new drivers...Whew! What a relief!
Mom was even able to come in with me for the biopsy itself and even at the age of 40 to be able to have your Mother there to hold your hand or to be in the room when your in pain is a salve in itself.  To have the second set of ears was even better.  We learned that even if these are cancerous cells, they are contained and would be considered pre-cancerous, which is fabulous news.  They did have to do WAY (14 holes total) more than I thought they were going to do, but hey, at least it is over!

So anyway, back to more "Girl Power".  My parents had taken me to Tom so he could bring me the rest of the way home; just a short time later I get a call from my Mom.  Guess what?  My Sister has already found a dentist that will help us with my son...Pro Bono.  I mean it took some time for all of this to sink in.  Just the day before I had been walking aimlessly around this medical campus worrying that my children could be losing their Mom, one of whom I had just adopted and may be losing a second mother, (and at the very least how in the hell were we going to take care of his mouth?)....OMG!!!!!!  I mean REALLY my thoughts started to go crazy

And just one day later...with the help of all my girls, we had solved all the problems of the world!  Oh, and Dad did the driving-ha!!!!!!  I think he's used to that role, he has done it his whole life...and I can't tell him what a wonderful job he has done "driving" us Girls...Driving us to do our best, and driving us to be our best and then driving us to our appointments when we REALLY need him.

So, if the world gives you a little crap ladies, be prepared to give it a Ton of Shit.  Just sayin'.


Jim and Pat Shepherd said...

Hi Judy. Well, you have gone and done it again -- made my eyes spring a leak as one of the granddaughters says {grin}.

What a wonderful post -- obviously one that comes from the heart!!

Love, Dad

Judy Jeute said...

Dear Dad,
Is "From the heart" a polite way of saying, you've lost your damn marbles???? No, JK!

Really, I think it is sooo easy to get stuck in the rut of "Everything is fine" all the time, and forget to be humans...and feel human feelings like desperation and panic. Or at least be okay with processing these feelings so that a couple days later you can wake up feeling like a new person!


Jim and Pat Shepherd said...

Hi Judy.

First of all, I forgot to say what a great paragraph that Tom sent you. It is wonderful and so true - including the the last sentence {grin}.

What I was trying to say is that your blog gives you a medium where you feel comfortable "baring your sole". I know it is painful at times, but when you do, your readers know that you have dug deep, given the subject a great deal of thought and research. In my mind those posts truly come from that great big heart of yours.

Love, Dad

Judy Jeute said...

Why, thank you! And yes, I do believe that blogging is a wonderful outlet. Just keepin' it real.

Daisy said...

Cancer is so scary - and the fear of it just as tough. I'm glad you had family members to help you handle the biopsy! Now go give the world some crap.

Judy Jeute said...

Thanks Daisy, I sure plan to! I am very blessed to have my family close by...Read on, and thanks so much for your comments!
Kind regards,