Thursday, July 22, 2010

Aunt Cake on aging...gracefully?

We are so excited because today we will pick up our niece and nephews for the weekend.  Who the hell cares where my sister and BIL are headed off to, we get the kids!!!  Just kidding.  All of the cousins have been counting down the days, my sister told me on the phone last night her kids started at the 21 day mark, I can't think of anything that makes me feel better.  Well, I can think of a pretty close second.
It was a couple of weeks ago when we went to the funeral of this family's beloved Grandma, one of my nephews was really having a hard time with this loss.  I of course had run a million errands since we had gone down the mountain, and to freshen up, I had put on some of my friend Tiffany's hand made lotion when I put my hair up, etc.  When we got to the funeral and I hugged my very upset nephew he was so happy to see me, and kept talking about how I smelled like cake.  So, in my mind, every time I use that lotion and think of my nephew, I call myself Aunt Cake.  
Well, recently it has come to my attention that I am no spring chicken.  How you ask?  Aside from my computer work, and some very intermittent reading, my eyesight is used for very large things in general.  Animal husbandry does not need microscopes, and if it does, I need a vet.  A B&B does not take good eyesight to run.  So, I thought that my eyes were still very good until recently when a friend from town and I traded plants for trees.  He had told me to watch for bugs, and I thought I had been, but I missed them, come to find out, due to my bad eyesight...Damn!
That very same day, I was showering and when I went to comb my hair, it would not go into place properly.  Now, I have worked with hair my entire life, and I know if hair is behaving that way it is because it is gray.  Yup, sure enough, I found my first gray hair.  To many of you dark haired ladies, to have found my first gray hair at the age of 39 is just unbelievable, but it is still my first gray hair.
So, Aunt Cake has decided to grow old gracefully, I guess I have no choice.  I'll get some cool readers from the store, my daughter has been trying to get me to buy some for a long time anyway!  As for the hair, I could really care less, for now anyway...Especially if I can keep smelling like cake!


Daisy said...

Aunt Cake - what a sweet image! Gray hair isn't trouble; it just means you've earned your stripes. Enjoy your visitors!

lfhpueblo said...

This past year I've had tons of gray come in. My hubster is kind and says he doesn't see it, but it's there and it does behave much differently. It really likes to kink and curl on me. I've never had to use hair spray to get my hair to go the way I wanted until this year. Ahh well, such is life.

Tiffany said...

lol (-:

I think you're lovely, fwiw. (-: