Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Tricks for an Old Dog

Yes, I know I am not "an Old Dog" (I'll be 39 in November, BTW), but it has been a really long time since I went to school. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I am taking a class in stained glass, and I'm a little nervous.

It all started last year when I decided I wanted to make over my front door. By now you know that I do not buy anything new, I just give it a make over! So anyway, I decided that to learn how to do leaded glass, I would do some simple projects as Christmas gifts for my family. Well, here it is almost time to be thinking of Christmas gifts again, and I still hadn't finished last years! Stained glass is definitely an acquired skill and I had gotten frustrated and put it away, just for a little bit. A new innovative product, two websites and a new blog later, I'm back on track, but this time, thanks to gift certificates from my wonderful hubby and parents, I'm taking a class to learn the proper techniques.

I didn't get off to that smooth of a start though. When I called they said that since I knew how to cut glass to go ahead and start in the Intermediate class. I showed up exactly when they told me to, chose my pattern and started picking out glass. That was when the instructor told me I needed to blow the pattern up, so I jump in my truck and head over to Kinko's. All to find out that the pattern was still too small, a second trip to Kinko's. The class was half over by the time I had purchased enough glass for the second time!

I finally got the nerve up to ask if he wouldn't mind putting me in the Beginning class, and a wave of relief washed across his face! I really almost had to laugh, I could tell he didn't want to hurt my feelings, but I am absolutely not Intermediate! So, I'll try again today, with homework in hand, all glass at a ready, and hope I can be teachers pet after that first impression!

Have a miracle of a day!

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