Monday, November 2, 2009

Metaphysical Monday

Good Morning! Do you remember last week when I told you the kids and I were headed out to go skiing? Well, we didn't make it! I am thoroughly convinced that I had an angel watching over us that day.
We had headed out after all the traffic was gone, so the roads were not too bad, as far as traffic was concerned, but still very snow packed. I got behind a car that was going way too slow. I got as far back as I could possibly get, because we were on a stretch of road that has S curves on a pretty steep hill. Something reminded me to think of my "trouble bubble", and we were going along just fine until my truck lost all fuel. The most amazing break down I have ever had, I had complete control of the vehicle, with my brakes and steering not going out. There was nowhere for me to pull over for almost a half mile; I safely coasted down the slick hill, off the side of the road onto another rarely used road, and didn't block either one; and the truck died.
What is a trouble bubble you ask? As my family gets older, and are attempting new and somewhat dangerous things (like skiing and snow boarding and driving and...), I felt as if we needed as much protection as we could possibly get. So a few years ago, I put in place my trouble bubble (say that ten times fast!). Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but wait 'til your kids become teenagers, you'd do whatever it takes for added guards watching over them.
A trouble bubble, as I call it, is a strong picture I have in my mind. I can see the valley that we live in, which is enclosed in a bubble that is full of sunshine, and of course the valley is as green as Springtime, with the beautiful mountains towering behind. Above the edges of my bubble are the stormy clouds, I guess this represents the storms we all go through in life. Whenever I feel that any of us need any extra protection, I fill my brain with this picture, and ask for the trouble bubble to be wherever it needs, to travel with my family so to speak.
Sounds a lot like praying, and that is one of my most important points with these metaphysical postings. Although we all have different beliefs, and religious affiliations, it is all very similar to me calling in my trouble bubble. People may not even realize when their Spirit Guides are working with them and protecting them, let alone believe in them, but they are there as your back up whenever you ask them.
The cutest part of the story is that for the almost two hours we were stuck on the side of the road, my kids had a great time. Luckily we were dressed for skiing, and they had their skis and boards, so they found a hill and played most of the time. I think the funnest thing for them was when they cleared the snow off of the trees onto one another! Tom was able to get to us before the tow truck, and was able to replace the fuse that had blown, so I didn't even have a tow bill or anything, I drove home under my own power. So, whether we were not meant to go any further, or Tom was not meant to drive home later from work, we took this warning for what it was and headed home to our safe little ranch!
Have a miracle of a day!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Oh, I was worried stiff about you guys! But I figured everything was okay when I saw your posts kept rolling into my subscriber! (-: